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What is PHPBTTracker-Admin?
PHPBTTracker-Admin is a modded highly added to version of DeHackEd's PHPBTTracker.
What are the added features?
Added features of the Current Version (Unreleased) include:- Administration Script (Use Login/PW: Admin/phpbttracker to try it out) - Add/Remove/Edit torrents, and check the Peer status of peers.
- IP Banning - (VIA Administration Script) Ban IP's that are abusing the tracker.
- GZip Compression - The only PHPBTTracker to allow optional GZip compression. (DeHackEd's version dosn't have this)
- Peer Killing - Kill peers VIA Administration Script.
- % Completed on stats page & Peer page.
- More Options then the origonal tracker. (IE. You can decide to Denie Shareaza Clients or not, have the Stats in a seperate table or the same table as the torrent listings.)
- Group Filter - Have mutiable release groups in seperate filtered pages. (To be added before release)
- And more comming soon!

Current Tracker Time: March 11 2025 07:02:28 This Page took a mere 0.029506 seconds to load. Current System Load (Linux): 32.82, 37.24, 33.74
Where's my America Theme by
design inspired by Fusion Blue by DeLoach
and all those who died on 9/11 |